Daytrip tips: Domače dobrote Mojca

Daytrip tips: Domače dobrote Mojca

Today I went with a number of colleagues to a very nice company where they make delicious home-made breads, cookies, and other treats and it suddenly occurred to me that it would be a good idea to describe such nice day trips in my blog for you guys :). Perhaps there are some nice tips for you to visit during your next holiday in Slovenia?

The company we visited today is called »Domače Dobrote Mojca«, which means »Homemade treats (from) Mojca«. You can find it in Rosalnice, a small village just outside Metlika. Mojca is a very nice and energetic lady who, together with her husband, son, and daughter, has built a wonderful business at their home over the past 25 years. In addition to the company with its home-made delicacies, they also have a small glass factory where her son works. There are several buildings on the property that have been decorated with many old, traditional attributes. Outside as well as inside. It’s all been done really nice with a great eye for detail and provides a really beautiful, authentic ambient.

There is a large, open barn where Mojca welcomes the groups of visitors with all kinds of home-baked goodies, dishes with cheese and meat, and different kinds of liquor. She gives a nice presentation about the build of the company and then gives a tour. She also has a shop where she sells her delicacies. Groups of tourists, school classes, companies, and all kinds of other interested parties come from all over the country.

Mojca’s specialty is »Pogača«, a round, flatbread, typical of the region »Belokranjska«. The dough is made from flour, water, and fresh yeast and is spread with beaten egg and sprinkled with salt and cumin. There are also all kinds of other variants with, for example, cheese or bacon on it. She also gives a demonstration on the spot of how this bread is baked and at the end, you get the recipe. In the restaurant area, she has an old-fashioned farmer’s stove in which she bakes the bread.

We also had a delicious lunch, consisting of 2 types of soup, three different pieces of meat, fried potatoes with onion, a »Štrukelj«, and grilled vegetables. Štruklji are also a traditional Slovenian dish made from phyllo dough. For dessert, Mojca had baked 4 different types of »Potica«. Again, a traditional delicacy that is mainly eaten at Easter and Christmas. It is a type of bread with a sweet filling of finely ground walnuts and often raisins.

All in all, it was not only a fun trip but above all a tasty one ;). Definitely recommended when you are in the area!



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