Strange weather

Strange weather

Those who know me know that I am a real summer person. I enjoy the sun, being outside, I love the beach and the sea and warm temperatures. I hate cold weather and rain. After the winter, I can’t wait for spring to come again and we can open the doors and go outside in a t-shirt. This year spring just doesn’t seem to want to start :(. I honestly can’t remember that in the nearly 18 years I’ve lived here, we have ever had such changeable (bad) weather in spring. The last few days it has rained almost continuously and that makes me soooo grumpy! The temperature does not rise above 17 degrees unless the sun breaks through every now and then and the temperature immediately shoots up.

That is why we still have to heat, which is really not normal for this time of the year. Last year we had to burn the woodstove for the last time at the end of April. We are now almost three weeks further! Fortunately, we have been heating on wood for a year and a half now and it costs us nothing, but still.

Fortunately, the sun was shining again today and it has remained dry so far. So the door is open again and I went for a walk with Ivy. This weather however gives beautiful skies with heavy white clouds, dark skies, and in between blue sky and sun.

Yesterday afternoon, when the sun broke through but it was still raining, we could again enjoy a beautiful double rainbow alongside our house. This remains a very special phenomenon, I think.

The river Krka, which I wrote about last time, is of course much higher than normal because of all that rain and the otherwise calm waterfalls are now a swirling mass. Fortunately, it is not as bad as in September of 2010, when the river burst its banks completely due to the heavy rain. The bridge in Žužemberk was even underwater, so we had to detour via Dvor for a few days because otherwise, we would not be able to get home. A sign was later placed on the house at the bottom of the bridge showing how high the water level was then. Later, a new, higher bridge was built and fortunately, it has not been flooded so far.

The weather can change really quickly here anyway. Sometimes I am still amazed at that. This happens especially in the summer. Suddenly you see the sky getting very dark and in no time it starts to rain heavily or even hail. These showers often only last 5-10 minutes and before you know it the dark sky has passed, the rain has stopped and we have a bright blue sky with sun again.

Sometimes a heavy rain shower lasts a little longer and then we have a complete river flowing past our house in no time. Because we live on a sandy path, at the lowest point in the village, all the water from the village flows down and takes a lot of sand with it, creating large potholes that Bine has to repair later.

A few years ago, we, therefore, built in a number of half-open drainage pipes in the road and made a concrete drainage to the few meters deep sinkhole behind our shed, so that most of the water now drains away when the weather starts raging again. This gap has gotten bigger over the years, so we will have to do something with it before the whole thing collapses. To be continued…… 🙂


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