Three beautiful hikes

Three beautiful hikes

Today the first snow fell here as well, but the period before that has often been very nice in terms of sun and temperature. Since the summer we have been busy with a few big jobs in and around the house, and now that they are finally finished we had more time to enjoy nature and each other again. That is why we went on three enjoyable hikes in the past month, together with my parents, who live in Slovenia for three months in the spring and autumn.

Bine would like to go into the mountains every weekend if he could. He is a real Slovenian, in good condition, and used to walking uphill. Me, as a real Dutch person, and with a preference for everything sweet, clearly not ;). And my parents are in excellent condition, but both are already in their seventies. So we always look for shorter routes that are not too difficult.

The first hike went to the top of Nanos, a mountain in Primorska. There are several routes, including from Razdrto, but that one is a longer, steeper route. We chose the shorter and least steep route, starting from the »Eko koča« mountain hut. It was indicated that the route was an hour and a half walking. The first part went through the forest, but after that, you walk through grassy meadows with panoramic views. It wasn’t that steep here, so that went well. On your right, you then have a fairly steep abyss, and you can overlook the entire valley. The weather was a bit less this day and for a while, it seemed that we would have to walk in the fog. Fortunately, the fog lifted, and we even saw the sun occasionally. The last part of the route was quite steep and went over very rocky terrain, which of course is not pleasant to walk and for which you really need good mountain shoes. We had those, so very slowly we climbed up, with regular short stops to catch my breath J. In the end, it took us almost two and a half hours to reach the top. The hut (Vojkova koča, 1262m) stood between some trees and unfortunately had no view, but when you walk about twenty meters further you are on the edge of the mountain, and you can oversee the beautiful surroundings. There is also a large television transmission tower here. In the hut, we had a nice meal and drinks, and then we started the way back, rested and fresh ;).

The second trip was shorter and easier. From a dirt road on the Sava river, just below the village of Ribno, near Bled, we walked to the hut Talež, at 725 meters above sea level. This route ran all the way through the forest, but because there were not many leaves on the trees, you still had some views here and there. This route was marked as an hour, we walked an hour and a half. The hut is located on the edge of the forest and here you have a great view of, among other things, Lake Bled and the mountain »Stol«. The weather was beautiful with plenty of sun so that was extra enjoyment. As is normal here, you can get different one-pan dishes in mountain huts, here called »enolončnice«. Bine and my dad both love Serbian bean soup (»Pasulj«) and they had it in this hut. They thoroughly enjoyed it. Mom stuck to a piece of freshly baked apple strudel and I had the »Segedin«, a delicious soup with sauerkraut and meat.

The last trip we did was two weeks ago and lead us to the hut on the mountain Roblek (»Roblekov koča«), located at 1657 meters altitude. Here too we drove the car as high as we could come and then started walking. The last part by car was almost impossible due to deep gullies in the road and mud, but luckily Bine is a good driver, and we got there unscathed :). We parked the car at the mountain hut »Planinca«, at 1100 meters, and started walking from there. It was indicated here that it was an hour and a quarter walk. The first half went well, the second half was quite steep and so again we went very slowly. We walked all the way through the forest, and it took us over two hours. But the reward at the top made it all worth it. What fantastic views! Bine and I have been there years ago, but it was still breathtaking. You look directly at the Triglav and on the other side towards Ljubljana, which by the way had been in the fog all day while we were outside with plenty of sun and sixteen degrees! We again had a delicious meal and walked back in an hour and a half.

Now that winter is approaching, it will become more difficult to make such trips, but for spring I wholeheartedly recommend these hiking routes! For now, we will have to make do with the photos :).



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